A crack swarm of 60 Area 51 star-performers helped ensure the last ever Secret Garden Party wasn't a washout despite the festival being saturated by Monsoon-like rain! It ended as a blow-out instead of a wash-out as the annual festival ended its 14-year run of hedonistic success as one of the UK's most popular boutique festivals in style. The 51 posse were undaunted by the weather and worked day and night to help entertain the 30,000 festival-goers at the garden site at Abbots Ripton Hall in Cambridgeshire, mixing stage performances with walkabouts and a myriad of other activities.

A crack swarm of 60 Area 51 star-performers helped ensure the last ever Secret Garden Party wasn't a washout despite the festival being saturated by Monsoon-like rain! It ended as a blow-out instead of a wash-out as the annual festival ended its 14-year run of hedonistic success as one of the UK's most popular boutique festivals in style. The 51 posse were undaunted by the weather and worked day and night to help entertain the 30,000 festival-goers at the garden site at Abbots Ripton Hall in Cambridgeshire, mixing stage performances with walkabouts and a myriad of other activities.

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A crack swarm of 60 Area 51 star-performers helped ensure the last ever Secret Garden Party wasn’t a washout despite the festival being saturated by Monsoon-like rain!

It ended as a blow-out instead of a wash-out as the annual festival ended its 14-year run of hedonistic success as one of the UK’s most popular boutique festivals in style.

The 51 posse were undaunted by the weather and worked day and night to help entertain the 30,000 festival-goers at the garden site at Abbots Ripton Hall in Cambridgeshire, mixing stage performances with walkabouts and a myriad of other activities.

One of the highlights came on the main stage on the Friday night when Area 51 dancers were featured in the performance by one of the festival headliners, Crystal Fighters.

The company even built an hilarious “Trumpformer” robot monster for the occasion which proved popular and as well as performing on the main stage, Area 51 entertainers maintained a high profile on both the Collo-silly-um and Kitsch Inn stages and also filled the forbidden forest with woodland characters.

A special tea party designed to integrate local villagers into the event was also a raging success for Area 51 and its large contingent with Adam Colclough acting as the master of ceremonies.