Control unruly guests with your own Imperial Army led by Darth Vader.
The Area 51 Star Wars characters are perfect for weeding out trouble makers, gate-crashers and, of course, wandering Jedi Knights…
This lot, however, are usually found dotted about looking menacing and striking fear into the more suggestible of guests. Available solo, in pairs or any combination and numbers of characters from both sides of the force, complete with movie-accurate costuming and character portrayals, this range of costumed characters is an iconic smash hit that never goes out of fashion.
Variants on the theme include Dwarf Vader and the Short Troopers and we work closely with some of the world’s best cosplay outfits to ensure stunning attention to detail.
And they just love to dress up for any occasion, whether it’s a rock concert, wedding, party, club night or corporate event.